A new law is sending parents to jail if their child is caught bullying in one New York town.

The North Tonawanda Common Council passed the anti-bullying law, the first in Western New York.

Parents could spend up to 15 days in jail and a $250 fine if their child, that is under 18, violates city curfew or for bullying and harassing twice within 90 days, according to WYRK.

The new law comes after an 8th grade boy was attacked in May, according to New York Upstate.

North Tonawanda Police Department Capt. Karen Smith told the Buffalo News the boy was sucker punched a the Dollar Store, "a common area for the kids to hang around after middle school lets out."

The city's assistant city attorney Nicholas B. Robinson wrote the new law that he says will allow "parents to have more control of their children."

According to a CDC study, 20 percent of high school students reported being bullied at school. In Oneida, a 6th grader was bullied on his way home from school last year. The incident sparked an anti-bullying campaign to #GoBlueForBen day that saw the Utica Comets, country stars and the community showing their support. Charges were filed against a teen for assault.

In January a group of students at Stockbridge Valley protested bullying at their school and began the Bully Away Facebook group.

The law in North Tonawanda went into effect October 1st, 10 days before National Stop Bullying Day October 11th.

I applaud the Common Council for trying to prevent bullying in North Towanda. I'm just not sure punishing parents for their child's behavior is the answer. Yes, parents are responsible for teaching their kids the proper values in life but what is the child learning if the parent is punished? Shouldn't the one who does the crime do the time? Sending a kid to jail for a few days may set them straight faster than sending their parents.


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