What’s Your Best CNY ‘Late To Work’ Excuse
Sometimes it just can't be helped, you're going to be late to work. But you can't show up to your job with the tired old "my alarm clock didn't go off" excuse.
Employers and supervisors have probably heard every excuse under the sun for being late to work, so you know you have to be extra creative.
You spend your entire drive crafting the perfect excuse and practicing delivering it so you sound like you're actually upset that you had to spend less time at your desk.
So what are the best excuses for being late that you've used or have been used on you?
Here's a few we came up with that are specific to CNY:
- There was a random power outage and all of my clocks were wrong
- A stray cow was in the middle of the road blocking traffic and wouldn't mooooove
- The Comets went into overtime last night and I had to stay til the end of the game, so I didn't get to bed in time to get enough sleep
- I had to take my cat to the Vet in Syracuse
- My Mom didn't wake me up
- The Arterial was flooded
- There was a super long line at Utica Coffee
- I was training for the Boilermaker
- The Great New York State Fair only lasts 14 days
- My Wife and I got in trouble at Water Safari
- Had an early morning jam session with Rainbow Young on Varick Street
- Two words: Saranac Thursday
- I accidentally mixed medication with alcohol
Ok now that we got you started, we want to know your best(or craziest) Central New York specific excuses for being late to work. Share in the comments below, on our Facebook page or send them to Luke@BigFrog104.com.
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