The Story of How Luke Austin Proposed to His Future Bride
I have no idea where to begin, except to say that I am incredibly happy, and a bit relieved.
Not so much relieved because she said yes, but because planning a proposal is one of the more stressful things I've ever had to do.
I wanted to make sure it was perfect, or as close as I could get to it anyway.
First, a little background. Naomi and I have been together for 3+ years and have been crazy about each other from the moment we parted ways after our first date. We spend as much time together as possible and know each other inside and out.
Naomi's birthday is on March 27, and for the last few years she has been wanting to do something memorable for this particular birthday since she turned 27 on the 27th.
So earlier this year we decided on the Florida Keys for her birthday vacation destination.
Skip ahead to two weeks ago. I have the ring. It's her size. I had called her Dad to get his permission. All systems go. Except exactly how I was going to go about proposing.
All along I had planned to get video of the whole thing so we could have it as a keepsake(and so I could share it with you of course!), but as the moment approached I found that adding that task was wayyyyy to much for my vacation brain to handle. So I just let the moment happen.
I decided to make the proposal right on Naomi's birthday, on the 27th(last Tuesday), since it was her Golden Birthday.
So we got up early to watch the sunrise and then continued with a light breakfast and headed for the beach(and drinks) right after that.
I literally spent the entire time between eating and proposing agonizing about how/when to pull this off, but then the time was right.
We had a private beach at our resort and there was only one other couple around, but not close enough to be awkward. So while Naomi wasn't paying close attention I got up and spelled out 'Marry Me?' in the sand in front of our chairs between us and the water.
Then I suggested we go for a quick swim. As we got up I said, "hey look someone wrote something in the sand, what do you think it says?"
She stared at it for a while thinking it simply said 'Happy Birthday,' but just, and I mean just as she realized what it actually said I was getting down on one knee and opening the ring box.
"Will you marry me baby?" I said.
Through her surprise and (happy)tears she said "Of course!"
Then it was hugs, kisses, more tears and celebrating. Oh and did I mention how stressed I was? Yeah that was over now too.
Here's a cool little surprise for both of us - as I placed the ring on her finger and stood back up I noticed that to my right there was a condo being built. On the top floor was about 5 or 6 construction workers clapping, whistling and cheering for us!
So there it is. That's how I went about asking the love of my life to be my wife.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for being a part of our lives here in Central New York!
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