Marine’s Kids Write Cute Nomination for First Responder Friday
Each Friday we salute Central New York First Responders who their health and well-being on the line for our safety. This week we spotlight, U.S. Marine, Staff Sergeant Edward Gallimo, whose children submitted a cute nomination for Dad.
Edward has been serving with the marines for 12 years, so his children have seen plenty of birthdays and holidays with him away from home as he served four overseas tours in Afghanistan and Kuwait. Hearing about the First Responder program, Edward's children, 11-year-old Keely, 6 year-old Eddie, and Giovanna, a mere 6 months of age, nominated him with this letter:
Are daddy is a United States Marine and We believe are daddy should when because he protects us and are freedom everyday and is are hero! He has been deployed 4 times to places that no one would want to ever go. He’s always ready to do his job no matter what, and serves his country proudly!!
When they submitted the entry a couple of months ago, the Gallimo family resided in Utica while Edward served at the Marine Corps Air Station on Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, CA. Since that time, Sgt. Gallimo has been transferred to the Hudson, NY office as a recruiter with his wife, Victoria and the kids reuniting. It means for the next three years he won't be missing birthdays and holidays.
Thanks Edward for the personal sacrifices while keeping the rest of us safe and sound. And kudos to the kids for being so cognizant of their dad's service to our country.

Do you know a first responder that deserves to be recognized? Tell us about someone who should be honored in central New York - a firefighter, police officer, EMT, forest ranger, paramedic, DEC officers, military, rescuers or any other person first on the scene.
Include their name, a picture and why they should be recognized during 'First Responder Friday,' presented by Martin, Harding & Mazzotti.
We'll honor one first responder every Friday and as a way to say thank you, we'll give them a bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes.
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