‘Cow’aroke: Music Mooves CNY 4 Legged Luke Combs Fans to Sing Along
Everyone loves Luke Combs. The adults, the kids, and even the cows are singing along to the moo-sic.
Forget your drunken friends. The next time Luke's music mooooves you, try cow-a-roke.
Michael Anthony was bringing his two new cows home to the farm in the back of his vehicle when 'Does to Me' came on the radio. Michael wasn't the only one singing along. "He was so quite the whole ride, then the song came on and he wouldn’t stop mooing," said Michael who changed the cow's name to Luke after the video.
"Take it away brown cow," Michael told 'Luke,' and he listened, giving a moo or two, right on key too. "Yeah, you hit them hit notes."
Combs may want to invite brown cow on tour after he sees this one....
Little Combs
Little Luke Combs may need to make a spot for brown cow though. Big Combs shared this adorable video of Tripp singing one of his popular hits 'Beer Never Broke My Heart.' "Been looking for a backup in case I ever needed one, but I had not checked with the 4 year olds yet."
Tripp even dressed like Combs with boots, jeans, a blue shirt, and a hat. He didn't forget the red solo cup either.
Jaxon Rocks Out
There must be something about that song kids love. Watch Jaxon, who was born with cataracts and can only see about 6 feet in front of him, rock out to Beer Never Broke My Heart in the backseat of a car. "Doesn't slow him down any," Pat Still shared on Twitter with this adorable video.
Best Beer
And my all-time favorite Combs kid Beer Never Broke My Heart singalong goes to his cutie.
Waffle House Sing a Long
It's not just the adults that can't help singing that song. All it takes is one guy. Just watch what happens when one person sings one line at a Waffle House...
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