Community Helps Save the Papa Ricks Fire Truck in Rome
The community has saved the Papa Rick's fire truck in Rome.
Rick Tharrett was told the fire truck that has been parked in front of Papa Rick's Snack Shack for the past 3 years was violating city codes and had to be moved. Customers weren't happy and began an effort to save the fire truck. A petition was even created with more than 2000 signatures.
The effort worked. "The city reached out to us with a way to save the truck," says Rick's daughter Kelly. It has to be moved to the other side of the building so it's not visible from the road. "We are beyond thankful and humbled by all your endless support. We sincerely thank you all as well as the city of Rome for being fair and working with us in order to keep our firetruck. City officials proved they do care and they will listen if you speak out."
As for Papa Rick? "He's very relieved and very happy the city worked with us to find a suitable solution," says Kelly.
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