Vote For Your Favorite Restaurant Foods As Big Frog’s ‘Best Of Utica’
Here in Central New York, there are hundreds of restaurants to choose from. Which one is the best? Take a look at Big Frog 104's Best Of Utica list.
Each week we will highlight several options across Central New York. Who will stand atop the ‘Best of Utica’ podium? That's up to you.
The categories will include best riggies, greens, pizza, wings, tomato pie, best Italian restaurant, Chinese, and best desert. There's also a form below for categories you'd like to vote on.
Here's how Big Frog 104's Best of Utica works: We will spend two weeks on each category. One week will be devoted to nominating your favorites in each category. Another week will be spent voting.
Nominations begin March 27th 2017 so check back often to see results each week.
Big Frog 104's Best Of Utica List
Here's a list of your favorites:
Please note voting isn't completed yet, and this list will be updated as Big Frog 104's Best Of Utica progresses.
This contest is only open to restaurants who are currently in business. One vote is allowed per person. If suspicious or irregular voting activity is detected (i/e: the use of an exploitation bot or other malicious software, or inhuman voting patterns) TSM Utica reserves the right to remove specific IP’s (computers, tablets or phones) from the competition, along with all votes from each suspected IP. All other TSM official contest rules apply and if unforeseen needs arise, TSM reserves the right to adjust these rules or any other contest condition during the entire duration of Big Frog 104's Best of Utica.
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