Tired of Burgers and Dogs on the Grill Try Chicken Roll Ups
95% of us will grill at least once during the Frog Days of Summer. And you can bet many will be doing so during the Memorial Day weekend. If you're tired of the same ol' burgers, dogs and BBQ'ed chicken, Lee Brice is here to help with his Chicken Roll Ups.
Lee refers to it as his "Famous" Chicken Roll Ups, is that like a legend in his own mind? Just kidding Lee, we love you and these do sound delicious. And better yet, easy to make. Ingredients:
- Chicken Breast
- Bacon
- Jalapeno Poppers
- Ranch Dressing
- Parsley
Watch the video for his step by step instructions. Basically you roll chicken chunks and the poppers in a piece of bacon and grill. Dip in the ranch dressing while warm and sprinkle with parsley. It doesn't get much easier than that, and I'm sure there's lots of variations you could work into the recipe. Have you tried it or something similar. Let us know below.