If fortune cookies were made specifically for different regions, they might be a lot more fun than the normal, everyday fortunes we see.

Take for example these fortune cookies we found that seem to be made just for the Utica area.

In any other part of the country it might be kind of strange that a fortune cookie would predict you'll eat pizza, but not in Central New York.

That's not even the strangest one we found either, take a look and see if you can find a fortune that you would most like to have delivered to you via cookie.

You might even find one with some very important information that could be useful around June...wink wink.

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Wow! How did they know??

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Funny, I was craving pizza.

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No way! I was just thinking my friends would like to hear my thoughts on snow.

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And it will probably be HUUUUUUUGE.

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60 degrees in January? Oh wait its back to -11.

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Only in Utica will you see a Rainbow playing a guitar.

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That's right, mark your calendars and plan accordingly.

I don't know about you, but these are the best, most accurate fortunes I've ever seen!

What would be your CNY fortune?


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