The cost of eggs has been on the rise every week for the last 10 weeks. It's seen the biggest jump in price, nearly 50% more than any other item in the grocery store.
Those who buy eggs have noticed they've been paying a lot more as egg prices have recently skyrocketed and it doesn't seem the price will be going down soon.
By being in the finals for the "Bunny Tryouts," not only does Eclipse have the opportunity to be included in our classic Cadbury "Bunny" Easter commercial, but she also has the change to receive a cash prize of $5,000.
Kikta Farms, 'No Farm Just Fowl' a small farm just outside Oneida recently started renting out laying hens for people to have farm fresh eggs. The kids will love this!
It your fridge full of hard boiled eggs? Did you make at least one dozen eggs per person to color at your dinner table like we did? They're a beautiful masterpiece, but now what? Yeah yeah, we know about deviled eggs and egg salad. Let's think outside the box this year...
Have you ever wondered how long you can keep Easter Eggs in the fridge for before they go bad? Here’s the answer Central New Yorker's should follow.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. Even though it is essential to get a good meal in to start the day many people feel they don't have the time. Well, if you have a few simple tools at your office, then you can make hot and fresh scrambled eggs every morning.
Any carton of eggs that you pick up in the supermarket nowadays has the word "fresh" on it somewhere. Just because it says fresh doesn't mean they really are. There is a simple way to determine the age of eggs just by looking at the numbers on the side of your egg carton.