Sylvan Beach And Verona State Park Close Again Due To Algae Blooms
If you were looking to swim at Sylvan Beach, or take the boat out on Oneida Lake, you may want to wait. Sylvan Beach and Verona State Park have once again been closed to swimming due to algae blooms.
Both locations were open for several days after being closed earlier in the month for a similar problem. Both swimming spots were closed once again after tests for harmful blue-green algae blooms came back positive. reports that blooms of blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, can be hazardous to humans and can be noxious, if not fatal, to pets.
Exposure to the algae from swallowing water while swimming or via the skin can cause nausea, diarrhea, skin or throat irritation and breathing difficulties. Experts say three things contribute to the blooms: nitrogen and phosphorous flowing into lakes, lots of sun and heat, and lack of wind. "
Central New Yorkers will have to take their swimming to Lake Delta, Hinkley Lake, or even up to the Adirondacks.