More deadly viruses are making their way into Central New York. And mosquitoes are to blame.

Traps from Mosquito pools in Onondaga County show the presence of several viruses.

The West Nile and Flanders viruses were detected in the Town of Cicero. Both viruses along with the Eastern Equine Encephalitis and Highlands J viruses were found in East Syracuse. That's in addition to the Flanders and Jamestown Canyon viruses discovered on July 16.

Exercise Caution

The Onondaga County Heath Department have been conducting mosquito trappings for years. Detecting viruses in mosquitoes is not unusual in Central New York. However, it is an important reminder to exercise caution, especially in the summer.

"While mosquito counts in Central New York are relatively low, the presence of these viruses show the importance of taking measures to protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites during outdoor activities throughout the summer,” said Onondaga County Health Commissioner Dr. Kathryn Anderson.

READ MORE: Most Dangerous Creature in the World Back in New York

Ildar Abulkhanov
Ildar Abulkhanov

Signs and Symptoms

Most people don’t get sick or have only mild symptoms after being bitten by an infected mosquito. In some cases mosquito viruses can such as encephalitis, a swelling of the brain.

Signs and symptoms vary depending on the disease.

Neck pain
Muscle pain
Joint pain

Credit - Linas Dulia via Unsplash
Credit - Linas Dulia via Unsplash

Protect Yourself

There are several ways to protect you and your family.

  • Use a repellent with 20% picaridin or 10%–30% concentration of DEET (look for N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide on the label).
  • Use a mosquito repellent diffuser to repel mosquitoes in the air.
  • Spray your clothing and camping or hiking gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin.
  • Replace or repair broken screens and get rid of standing water on your property.

READ MORE: 13 Plants & Herbs to Chase Away All Types of Bugs & Insects

Mario Villafuerte/Gettyimages
Mario Villafuerte/Gettyimages

Possible Future Spraying

The Onondaga County Health Department is working in close contact with the New York State Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Conservation to determine if future spraying is needed.

"The decision to spray is based on several factors including, but not limited to, the number of mosquitoes found in mosquito surveillance traps."

Learn more on mosquito counts and viruses at

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Colors To Wear In New York To Avoid Getting Bit By Mosquitos

Experts have learned what colors you should wear to avoid getting bit by mosquitos and what colors attract mosquitos. 

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart


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