How do you rescue a moose from icy waters? Very carefully.

It’s not every day you get called to save a moose stuck in icy water, but that’s exactly what happened on a lake in Upstate New York.

A bull moose, that had dropped its antler, wandered out onto the ice of Lake Abanakee in the town of Indian Lake. It fell through about 200 feet from the town beach. Luckily someone saw the moose struggling and called for help.

READ MORE: Close Encounter of Moose Kind! 2 Pass Under New York Hunter's Tree Stand

Moose rescued from icy water in Upstate New York
Credit- NYS DEC

Two Hours in Icy Water

DEC Forest Rangers and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Police Officers arrived to see the moose trapped in the freezing water, surrounded by ice, and unable to climb out. It had been that way for two hours.

Forest Rangers, decked out in cold-water rescue gear, carefully ventured onto the ice. Using a chainsaw, they cut a channel in the hope that the animal could swim to safety.

READ MORE: Camper Captures Magical Moment When a Moose Swims By Adirondack Fisherman

“With little time to spare, our ECOs and Forest Rangers jumped into action without hesitation, braved the elements, and risked their own safety to rescue an animal in need," said Director of DEC’s Division of Law Enforcement Karen Przyklek.

Despite a slow start, the moose was guided through the channel toward shallow water.


Moose rescued from icy water in Upstate New York
Credit - NYS DEC

Lucky Moose Lives to See Another Day

It was a struggle for the moose to stand after the scary ordeal, but after a few attempts, it found its strength, stood up, and made its way off the ice and into the woods.

Thanks to heroes working together the lucky moose lives to see another day.

READ MORE: Hilarious Video on How Long it Takes Deer to Grow into Moose in the Adirondacks

Acting Director of DEC’s Division of Forest Protection Drew Cavanagh applauded the heroes on their coordinated efforts to rescue an animal in distress. "It’s a testament to the professionalism, resilience, and dedication of these two Police forces to New York’s natural resources and wildlife.”

Watch the amazing video released by the NYS DEC.

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2 Moose on Moose River in New York

People wait their whole lives to see a moose. Skip Oswald was lucky enough to see moose on Moose River in New York.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

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Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

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