Oreo cookies have launched a new flavor and I can't decide if it's a really cool idea or if it may have gone a little too far.

Beginning this week, Firework Oreos will hit shelves across America.

The cookies are the same, and so is the cream inside, but the cream is packed with red and blue versions Pop-Rocks!

They're not the real Pop-Rocks brand, but the candy is basically the same. As you eat the cream, the candy begins popping in your mouth.

It's kind of like having a sparkler in your mouth.

What do you think?

And that's not all.

According to USAToday.com, Oreo is already looking for their next crazy flavor, and are asking for fan suggestions.

You can submit your idea to Oreo(Nabisco) on Twitter or Instagram using #MyOreoCreation and #Contest.

If your idea is selected, you could win $500,000!

We definitely want to hear your ideas.

I'm thinking about submitting 'Bacon Favored Oreos' so I won't be tricked into thinking they're real every April Fool's Day.



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