Know Your Way Around FrogFest 30 With The Official Map
FrogFest 30 is right around the corner and we're busy preparing the Utica-Rome Speedway for Stephanie Quayle and LOCASH. Here's a look at this year's FrogFest layout.
Everything should look a lot similar to last year, making it easy to get around and find what you like.
The all-new Cornhole Tournament is going to be set up just behind the main crowd, so you should be able to see the stage from the playing area.
If you haven't registered for the Cornhole Tournament from Empire Cornhole, sign up now, spots are going fast.
You'll notice the stage, bathrooms and VIP area are in the same places as in 2017, so if you were there last year, you probably remember where your spot was, or where you want to be this year.
Just like last year, there will be no parking along Route 5, you'll be able to park on the Utica-Rome Speedway grounds.
We're hoping that this layout will help make your day at FrogFest 29 the most convenient possible.
See you on June 9!