Over the past weekend while Central New Yorkers were watching the events of Hurricane Harvey unfold, one Texan was in Utica playing on the Wounded Warrior Amputee Softball Team.

Ben Mitchell is a Veteran and an amputee who has become a friend to CNY with his participation in the Wounded Warrior program.

Ben was set to fly back to Texas on Saturday evening, but his plane out of Syracuse was delayed six times before he was finally able to head back to Texas on Monday around 2:30.

By that time as you've no doubt seen, the Gulf Coast had become all but submerged from Harvey.

While Ben is now back in Texas, he still hasn't made it to his hometown where his wife and children are riding out the storm and flood waters that followed.

Ben is currently staying at a hotel in his home state for around $140 per night, and can't make it home due to the 4 to 5 feet of water still on the roads.

"Morning so airport and roads still impassable. So will go to military base [to] buy water, canned foods and essentials and another veteran and I will plan a relief effort for our area and provide supplies as soon as we get a green light. Can't risk the 4-5 foot waters in our truck. Stay well. Family are well. Currently building barrier to protect first floor from flooding"

He also added this update a few hours later:

"UPDATE - FRIENDS AND FAMILY I Will be at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio with Ricaldo Pelez my battle buddy standing fast until I can return to Houston and my family Griselle Mitchell. WE ARE ALL WELL AND SAFE !!! NEVER QUIT # WWAST"

So while his family is building barriers to stop water from flooding their house, he is planning to help others until the roads are passable enough to make it home.

That's why we love our Veterans!

A Go Fund Me Page has been created to help Ben buy the food, water and supplies he needs not just for himself, but also for his own heroic relief efforts.

If you would like to help Ben by donating even $1 or $5 you can do so at Ben's Go Fund Me Page.

The goal is set at $1,000, and as of today is at $330.


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