Get Ready! Colder, Wetter Winter Could Be Coming to Central New York
A La Nina Watch has been issued and that could mean a wetter, colder winter for us in the Northeast.
The National Weather Service says there is a potential development of a weak La Niña as we head into the fall and winter months. "There's a 66% chance a La Niña could develop from September to November, lasting through the 2021-2022 winter months."
The National Weather Service issues a La Niña Watch when conditions are favorable for the development of El Niño or La Niña conditions within the next six months.
In 2020, El Niño had the largest impact during the hurricane and winter seasons with a record number of storms. 30 storms formed over the Atlantic Ocean. Only 11 actually made landfall. "This is the most storms on record, surpassing the 28 from 2005, and the second-highest number of hurricanes on record."
For 2021, the La Niña Watch could mean a wetter and colder winter in the Northeast, especially around the Great Lakes. Which is nothing new for us hardy Central New Yorkers. It just means we may be shoveling or using the snowblower a lot more this Winter.
The short-term prediction from the Old Farmer's Almanac is fall will be cool and wet. Below normal temperatures are expected for September and October and it's expected to be rainier than normal.
Not that we need any more rain. Central New York and the Hudson Valley regions have seen enough already with massive flooding all over the area.
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