Animal Adventure Park Starts Campaign for April the Giraffe
"Due to the magnitude of requests to sponsor our giraffes," the Animal Adventure Park has started a GoFundMe campaign.
Anyone who wants to sponsor and support the giraffes; April, Oliver, and their expected calf, the park has provided a safe and secure way to make your contributions. "The funds will be used to offset their annual care at our facility," say park officials. "Anything above and beyond the $50,000 goal, will be dedicated to improvements of the new Giraffe Encounter Deck, Shade Stations in the exhibit, Energy Efficient upgrades to their barn, and the installation of a permanent Giraffe Cam at Animal Adventure."
The Animal Adventure Park is a for profit organization, and your contributions are gifts to the facility and not tax deductible. "We were hesitant to launch this initiative, but overwhelming generosity has demanded a platform in which to give. So, please, give away."
The animal park caught national attention when YouTube took down the live feed of April the Giraffe for containing “nudity and sexuality content.” "When the live feed went viral, it peaked the interests of many organizations who may not agree with what we do or maybe not understand," said park owner Jordan Patch. "However having the YouTube live feed removed just took out an educational tool from schools around the world. What a lack of judgement on their part."
After all the backlash, the live feed was put back up and you can watch below.
If the YouTube goes down again, Patch says you won’t to miss the birth. “We’re not going to let something like this get in our way. When we see hooves, we will go live on Facebook.”
But when will we see those hooves. Millions have been waiting patiently for weeks. “The calf is imminent," says Patch. "It just takes time.”
A giraffe can be in labor anywhere from 2 to 6 hours but they can show signs of labor for days prior to the calf arriving. Patch says this isn’t April’s first time giving birth. “It is the first one at Animal Adventure but she’s a season pro. She knows what she’s doing. If anyone has kept their cool during this process it’s April.”
Park officials will provide updates on April every morning and every night on their Facebook page.
The Animal Adventure Park is located in Harpursville, 15 minutes outside of Binghamton. It opens for the season May 13th. Get details at TheAnimalAdventurePark.com or on Facebook.
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