2 August UFO Sightings In Syracuse Raising Eyebrows
Here in August, two UFO sightings reported to the National UFO Reporting Center are causing debate and conversation.
One sighting reported was on August 4th in Baldwinsville, while the other was in Syracuse on August 7th. Are both sightings related?
August 4th 2018 - Baldwinsville, NY
Shape: Sphere
Duration:1 minute
Description:4 orange orbs silent and stationary low in sky. Disappeared suddenly.
4 orange orbs low in the sky. They were stationary and silent. They were in a diamond like pattern and disappeared instantly.
We were kayaking on Seneca River just north of the bridge on Plainville Road when we spotted them over a farm field."
August 7th 2018 - Syracuse, NY
Shape: Cross
Duration:20 minutes
Description:Large center light with 3 lights coming from center forming plus sign shape.
the object looked like a plus sign with one larger light in the center and three smaller lights to each of the four sides of the plus shape. At the end of each seemed to look like a faded headlight. I first saw it about 11:15 PM and by 11:38 PM it seemed to have just up and disappeared. Then half hour later it was back, watched till the clouds came in maybe 20 more minutes and couldn't see anything."
What do you make of both of these sightings?