It may be hard to thing about spring now, but it's time to think flowers bulbs.  The Master Gardeners at Cornell Cooperative Extension say now is the time to plant. 

Now is the time to plant any spring flowering bulbs. Instead of the typical selections, think of other varieties such as species tulips, daffodils, snowdrops, oriental lilies, or rock garden iris. October is really a good time to get your bulbs in, but don't plant too early; you don’t want them to sprout.

Fertilizing is a personal choice. Some gardeners mix a bit of bulb fertilizer in the bottom of the hole at planting time but working it around the emerging shoots in the spring is just as effective. Follow directions on the fertilizer you choose. Leave the bone meal in the bag. It offers very little as a fertilizer and it attracts rodents which eat bulbs and small animals which will dig in your garden. If you have a severe rodent problem, stick to daffodils or use bulb cages to plant clusters of tulips and other bulbs that are not so attractive to the critters.

Learn more about planting spring flowering bulbs with this downloadable fact sheet ” or call the Horticulture Hot Line Wednesdays and Fridays, 9am to 12noon at 315-736-3394.

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