We've saved the best for last. Our final Farm Hands adventure took us to a place made famous by an overdue giraffe just over a year ago. The Animal Adventure Park in Harpursville gained national attention when April the Giraffe gave birth to Tajiri in October of 2016. They should get attention for the work they do rehabilitating and preserving endangered species.

Allysa Swilley, a Zoologist with the park, guided us on a tour of the 20-acre farm that features 100 different species and over 250 animals. They feature lots of babies, including Mike, a camel that is as cute as they come and a mere 4 months-old. "He's just like a toddler and likes to chew on things," Allysa explained AFTER Polly got bit.


The Animal Adventure Park's new focus as they open for the 6th season is a new African Lion exhibit. "We let the baby lions in a few weeks before we opened to let them settle in." With only 20-thousand of them left in the wild, they hope to educate the public on their importance in the ecosystem.


You'll also find baby kangaroos, donkeys, goats, and monkeys at the park. Momma monkey doesn't mind you checking out her new baby, but she runs if you try to take video. Especially if you're a man. Polly could get close enough to take a few pictures but turned her back on Tad.


After all the work was done, cleaning wallaby, kangaroo and emu exhibits, it was time for fun; meeting April, Oliver and baby Tajiri, who is still a little shy. "He doesn't like to be touched. He's very much like his father." April on the other hand, will be your best friend if you have carrots.

The Animal Adventure Park and the famous giraffes have been educating and spreading smiles to thousands of kids, big and small, for years and it's all thanks to a natural disaster. Park owner Jordan Patch bought the farm in 2011 after his bar flooded. Two years later the gates opened and as the park continues to grow in popularity, so do the animals and exhibits. Plans are in the works for 120 more acres, which is why you'll always see and learn something new.

Get directions, details and ticket prices at TheAnimalAdventurePark.com.

Animal Adventure Park


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