Want to Become a Forest Ranger or Officer Do This Now
There are few opportunities to get started on a career as a New York Forest Ranger or Environmental Conservation Officer. One of those opportunities is coming soon, but you need to apply now.
The Department of Environmental Conservation will be holding Civil Service exams the weekend of October 19 for both Rangers and Officers. But the real deadline is September 4. You must have an application completed and postmarked by then in order to take the exam.
There are separate exams and different qualifications for becoming a Forest Ranger or Environmental Conservation Police Officer. Both tests cost $35, and the DEC suggests studying the qualifications for each before selecting the exam. Here are the details on Forest Rangers and Conservation Officers.
You can take both exams, but need to submit separate applications. Passing the exams is no guarantee of a job, there is still an extensive 28-week training program. And as the video below shows, the training is no walk in the park. More info on the entire process is available on the DEC's website.
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