Upstate New York Couple Simultaneously Bag Big Bucks
There are probably lots of New York couples where both deer hunt, some of them may even do it together. But I bet the numbers drastically drop when it comes to hunting from the same stand at the same time. Meet Steve and Jean Side of Theresa, NY who took it one more step, maybe making them the "only couple that ever...."
Jean has only been hunting a couple of years, but it was on her bucket list to get a hunting license and bag a buck. She got one last year but was so distraught over killing such a beautiful animal, she couldn't even talk about it. In fact, she wasn't even going to go again this year. Steve talked her into giving it one more try.
We've all heard of women's intuition, and Jean tells us she still wasn't in the mood for hunting that morning. But by the afternoon she had the feeling something unusual was going to happen. She told Steve, "if you want to go hunting we'll go together because we're both going to get one." Who would believe it could actually happen, certainly not Steve.
But it did happen, in a story, Jean also shared with NY Upsate.com, the couple was in an elevated stand when they noticed some does coming out of the woods and into a field. Shortly afterward, a 5 point buck stepped out. As they watched the group waiting for them to get into range what should appear, but a 7 pointer.
Jean thinks Steve was as nervous as she was, maybe more. They counted down to take simultaneous shots, Jean bagged the 5 point and Steve got the 7 point, completing our sentence, "the only couple that ever shot big bucks at the same time." Jean calls it an "awesome experience," in fact, a much better experience than totaling their van hitting an 8 pointer about a month ago.
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