Check Out The Top 7 Most Redneck Towns In Central New York
There are people who believe "redneck" is an offensive term. But if you're from any of the towns that made the list, you'd know it's a sense of pride.
What's great about redneck's is that they are some of the proudest people you'll ever meet. And that's not a bad thing! They are proud of who they are, their roots, and what they stand for. It's that blue color lifestyle all the country songs are about, except they are living in it.
Websites like RoadSnacks have ranked the most Redneck towns on a different scale. They used stereotypical categories like...
- Number of mobile home parks per capita
- Number of places to get fishing gear
- Walmart's, Bass Pro Shops, and Dollar Generals nearby
Our list narrows down on Central New York and focuses primarily on what makes these places notably "redneck". It's not about fulfilling the stereotype, it's about who embraces the culture the most. And if you're from any of these towns, it'd be hard to find a person who disagrees with that.
So when it comes to this list, it's all about pride and embracing the wild country spirit. If you're looking to have a good time and experience "how country feels", don't just listen to Randy Houser. Head on over to these towns and pay them a visit. Take it from me, you won't regret it!
Top 7 Most Redneck Towns In Central New York
You ever see something like this? It's Redneck Water Skiing!