Tom Brady’s Cliff Jump Makes Pats Fans Go Nuts! [Video]
If you've ever been cliff diving, then you know what a thrill it is. The adrenaline you get is something that can't be easily recreated. New England Patriots franchise quarterback Tom Brady decided to give it a try on a recent trip to Costa Rica and it made fans flip!
Fans of the Super Bowl winning team took to Tom Brady's Facebook to let the MVP QB know how they felt about the stunt!
Aaron Dias
The best QB in the history of the NFL needs to be tucked away safely in a padded room. No more of that, TB12!
Kerry Irene Cassidy
Does this go against your contract? I'm getting you a kiddie pool.
Dolores Ferguson-ginnow
As a mom ARE YOU CRAZY. now as a fan ARE YOU CRAZY. we need you
David Cokely (This one is my favorite!)
The only person glad to see you jumping off cliffs is Rex Ryan!
Some people were really happy that Tom would share this side of his personal life and that he has such a good relationship with his family. I personally (being a Green Bay Packers fan) was A-OK with the jump!