There Could Be Financial Help for Farmers Dumping Milk
During this entire COVID-19 shutdown, few things have been more frustrating than watching Central New York farmers dumping thousands of gallons of milk on the ground while store shelves remain sparse. While there can't be much relief for the frustration, The New York Farm Service Agency thinks there could be some financial relief in sight.
The agency suggests dairy farmers who have had to dump milk, keep track of quantities as several future programs could offer financial assistance. The Coronavirus Aid package passed by the Federal Government includes $48.9 billion for USDA agencies and the Food and Drug Administration to continue to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Another $9.5 billion is set for assistance to agriculture producers along with a $14 billion replenishment to the Commodity Credit Corporation.
The aid package also contains money for the Small Business Administration which can be used for loans and grants including the farming community. Farm Service Agency Centers are available to discuss your options via phone, email, or mail. And while the offices are closed, one person is in the building each day. Here's a list of all New York offices and contact information. More information is also available at the Farm Service Agency website.