
Butterball Turkey Hotline
Butterball Turkey Hotline
Butterball Turkey Hotline
Save a Thanksgiving disaster with the Butterball Turkey Hotline.  Over 12,000 calls are expected tomorrow. The number to keep handy for help - (800) 288-8372.
How To Choose The Right Size Thanksgiving Turkey
How To Choose The Right Size Thanksgiving Turkey
How To Choose The Right Size Thanksgiving Turkey
With Thanksgiving Day a few weeks away, you may be shopping for your holiday turkey. The question is, how big a turkey do you need? Some years, we've had more and less people around the Thanksgiving table, so we've had huge turkeys and medium sized ones. So, what's the right size?
Turkey Leftover Recipes
Turkey Leftover Recipes
Turkey Leftover Recipes
Even into the weekend, I'm sure you have plenty of turkey left over, and most of the fixins'. Now, there must be other ways to use up that turkey other than sandwiches.
Turkey Hotlines
Turkey Hotlines
Turkey Hotlines
Don't you wish there was someone you could call when you run into a problem in the kitchen, getting ready for Thanksgiving?  Who wants to ask their Mother-in-law for advice?  You can call the turkey hotline, and there are several options.
William Shatner On Deep-Fried Turkey Safety
William Shatner On Deep-Fried Turkey Safety
William Shatner On Deep-Fried Turkey Safety
If it seems like William Shatner is everywhere...he is! And going strong at 81 years old. Now, Shatner has an entertaining video for those of you who are thinking of deep frying your turkey. From what I'm told, deep-fried turkey is delicious, and leave it to Bill Shatner to be out front on deep frying-turkey safety.
The Turkey Talk Line Is There to Help With Your Thanksgiving Meal
The Turkey Talk Line Is There to Help With Your Thanksgiving Meal
The Turkey Talk Line Is There to Help With Your Thanksgiving Meal
How long does it take to thaw my turkey?  How do I know when it's cooked?  Should I stuff the bird?  If it's your first time cooking for Thanksgiving or you just have a questions, all the answers are just a phone call away today.  The Turkey Talk Line is taking calls to help you prepare a delicious Thanksgiving bird.  You can also check out the Butterball website, join a live chat or check out coo
Make Thanksgiving Dinner From Scratch with This Recipe Roundup
Feeling up for a challenge this Thanksgiving? Sick of the canned cranberry sauce and the pre-made, store-bought turkey? Try cooking an entire feast for your family… from scratch! Let’s face it, in the end, you may be a little bit worn out, but you get to eat the delicious results and bask in the light of your own accomplishment. This year, ...