Congratulations New Yorkers, you’re officially off the hook—at least legally. In a bold move to modernize its books, the Empire State has repealed a dusty old law that made adultery a crime.
There are only six states in the nation that allow dogs to be part of custody battles because, in the eyes of the law, they're family members. Is New York one of them?
Healthy relationships, while not easy, are nourishing to the soul. Un-healthy relationships on the other hand, take their toll on our overall quality of life. So how do you know when it's time to break up?
Let's start with the obligatory 'no judgement zone'. And continue with the fact that weddings are expensive...and doing this viral TikTok trend could cost you your marriage.
Listen. Relationships are hard regardless of who is having them. Anything we can do, (besides binge watch "relationship gurus" on the socials) to help us find alignment with our significant other is a win. Enter Love Languages...
There's no way to know what 'amicable' really means in this case (or in any case quite frankly) because private relationships are what they are-private. Regardless of how public the couple. And so, the question remains, can a divorce truly be amicable? Maybe. And also, is no fault divorce legal in NY state?
Say it ain't so! After 7 (some reports say 8) years of physically gorgeous marital togetherness, Sophia Vergara and Joe Manganiello, have decided being physically gorgeous together is no longer the thing they're wanting to do. Shame. The real tea though is which New York restaurant they ate dinner before their split.