Tad vs Polly Shoot Off at Vernon National Shooting Preserve Wasn’t Even Close [SPONSORED]
The Tad vs Polly shoot off was a shoot out at Vernon National Shooting Preserve. It was embarrassment for one at the 16 station automated clay course...and it wasn't me.
Tad used every excuse in the book as to why he couldn't hit any clay target. I shouldn't say he couldn't hit ANY since he scored 8; 8 out of 50! His partners, Anne and Ed House carried their team. Tad didn't even take part in one station since the deck was too high. His philosophy was if he couldn't hit a target on the ground there was no way he was hitting one up that high.
Gary Reese and Eric Krebser hadn't shot clay targets before but you couldn't tell. They both hit 22 to 24, WAY more than Tad's 8.
Before we have another Shooting with Tad & Polly event, Tad should head back to the Vernon National to get some practice in. He doesn't want to embarrass himself that bad again, does he?
You can check out the automated clay course or go pheasant hunting at Vernon National Shooting Preserve where guides, hunting dogs, guns and ammo are all available. Call 315-272-6211 or 315-796-4587 to book your hunt or get more information at VernonNational.com.