Rome 5-Year-Old Schools Dad on Fairness
Sometimes when we think we're teaching our kids a lesson, they end up teaching us instead. So the story begins with a Rome father taking his son for a walk at Griffis Park on the base. When Dad stops to perform a good deed, his son takes it one more step.
On a rare day when it wasn't snowing in CNY, Rome Police Officer Aaron Page decided to take his 5-year-old son, Oscar to check out the huge plane on display at the park. As the trek progresses, the duo and their dog come across the Operation Iraqi Freedom Monument featuring bricks with the names of service men and women who served during that time.
Officer Page noticed a couple of the bricks containing the names of lifelong friends had become soiled from passing birds. Grabbing some cleaner and a rag he quickly cleaned them and stood back to look at his work. His son Oscar asks if he is done, Dad says yep, somewhat admiring his work. Oscar's reply will floor you just as it did his dad.
Well it's not fair to only clean your friends bricks you know.... Give me that stuff and I'll clean the rest.
WOW, 5 years old. Thanks Oscar for pointing out what most of us adults would have overlooked. And Officer Page, you may have been humbled by your own son, but we salute you and your family for raising such a fine you man.