Northern Community Pop Warner Hosting Rock N Bowl
The Northern Community Varsity Pop Warner team has made it to the Pop Warner Nationals Cheerleading Competition in Disney. They need your help to get there.
The team took first place for both their dance and cheer exhibitions in the Eastern Regional Championships, along with a trophy for No Deduction for their routine. With this win, they have moved on to the National Championship Competition, which is held at the ESPN Center in Disney. They will be competing against teams from all across the United States.
They are hosting a Rock N Bowl at Adirondack Lanes in Barneveld on Saturday, November 24th with the proceeds going towards the Cheerleaders. There will be basket raffles, bake sale, and the Lotto Board drawing.
If you have any questions or would like to purchase or donate to the team, please feel free to contact Angela Izzo at (607) 386-8500.