Meet the newest addition at The Wild Animal Park in Chittenango.

Park owner Jeff Taylor says the male jaguar will be paired up with Keeya, the female jaguar at the park, in the nursery exhibit admission building.

You can help name the newest addition soon and you can see him along with Blizzard, the Zebra born during Stella, and all the other babies born over the Winter, this weekend when the park opens for the season.

You can also get up close to Jase and Jasmine, the giraffes at the Wild Animal Park in Chittenango.

Wild Animal Park
Wild Animal Park

The park opens Saturday April 29th and will be open weekdays from 10:30 a.m – 5 p.m. and weekends 10:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tickets are just $10.99 for adults and $9.99 for kids (Children 2 & Under are free) or buy an annual pass for $35.99.

See the biggest cat lineup in New York during Big Cat Week July 2-8th at the park.

Get more details at

Tad & I had the opportunity to tour the Park last year during Farm Hands and were surprised at not only how big it was but how many different species of animals were there. Check out our behind the scenes tour below.

Taylor has been busy making improvements over the Winter so we'll have to go back to see all the additions this year.  It's hard to believe the park started after Taylor bought a few goats for his son's birthday. 7 years later there's so much more than just goats.


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