Man Who Walks a Mile to Work Every Day Gets Ride From Good Samaritan
If you saw a stranger walking on your way to work every morning, would you offer a ride? Barbara Levanti did and now it's a daily routine.
Barbara saw the man walking along French Road every day for a couple of weeks. "I figured he was walking to work each morning and as the weather started to get colder I finally got the courage to pull over and ask him if he wanted a ride. Most people I know wouldn’t pick up a stranger. I didn’t even tell my better half about it because he’d be afraid I was putting myself in danger."
Turns out Martell Funney walks a mile to work every day at Home Depot. "I actually like walking and during warmer days I would gladly ride a bike," says Martell who use to live in NYC where he didn't drive either. "It keeps me moving and I enjoy the journey it takes me on."
Barbara has been giving Martell a ride to work almost every morning since that first day she got up the nerve to stops. "Giving Martel a ride to his job just makes me feel good that I have helped someone out by making their day a little easier."
With recent record low temperatures, Martell is more appreciative than ever. "I am thankful for the rides I get in the morning. I don't mind the walk but it's a bit of a challenge in colder weather. Now I get to work on time and my day goes quite smoothly."
Sometimes it's the smallest gestures that make the biggest difference.