Give Them Something to Smile About With Santa For Seniors
For most of us "tis the season to be Jolly." Unfortunately, for many Central New York Seniors, it's just another day. That's why we join with the Oneida County Office for Aging and Fidelis Care for Santa For Seniors. Here's how you can help.
In many cases, these Seniors have no family left in the area and are surviving on very limited income. With your help, we can make sure they have something to smile about on Christmas Day.
Each day we'll feature specific Seniors in Central New York that are alone. We'll even highlight their interests, favorite colors and sizes when it comes to clothing. Because of confidentiality laws, names can't be disclosed. But working through the Office For Aging, specific codes are assigned to each senior so we know the right gift gets to the right senior.
You don't have to wait for us to mention a Senior on the air, call anytime and just say "I want to be a Santa for a Senior." The number to call is 315-736-0104. We can do it via e-mail as well, just drop a note to: Polly@BigFrog104.com.
Many offices and families combine their efforts to adopt several Seniors. We can provide all the information in an email. With your help, we can make sure everyone has a smile this Christmas.
Presents can be dropped off at our business office, 9418 River Road in Marcy, NY 13403, business hours are 8 to 5 Monday thru Friday. You can also mail them to the same address, please mark them, ATTN: Polly
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