Over 200 New Yorker’s Willing To Get Naked At Howes Cavern
According to recent numbers, more than 200 people have signed up for the first-ever "Naked in the Cave" event at Howe Caverns Adventure Park. That's a lot of naked New Yorker's underground.
The event is being held on International Nude Day and is intended to be a celebration of "body positivity." Syracuse.com reports there isn't all too many rules:
For this event, socks (recommended) and closed-toed shoes are required in the caverns. Apart from that, no clothing -- and that includes hats -- may be worn by the participants during the nude stroll that begins at 7:30 and lasts until 11 p.m."
Keep in mind the cave is always at 52 degrees. It'll be a bit nippy down there. A naked boat ride on the indoor lake will be available and optional.
Even celebrities may attend. So far celebrity survivalist, Sarah Danser, from The Discovery Channel's popular reality TV series, "Naked and Afraid" is scheduled to attend.
Party on!
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