With all the talk of deer disease in New York, it's easy to be concerned when you see an unusually colored deer. Don't be, it's a "gene thing" causing the discoloration.

There's a similarity between why these deer have white splotches and why the American Eagle has a white or "bald" head.

Photo: Screengrab from Marcia White Bower Facebook
Photo: Screengrab from Marcia White Bower Facebook

Discolored Deer in New York

New York's DEC has been battling to keep Chronic Wasting Disease and Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease to a minimum in the deer herd and there have even been reports of the animals testing positive for Coronavirus. So it would be easy to see odd-colored animals and think, "What the..."

Wildlife photographer, William Straite captured photos of these discolored deer. He then swapped the camera lens for his science hat to explain the phenomenon, caused by "three Recessive Genes called Albinism, Leucism, and Piebaldism."

William Straite
William Straite

Recessive Genes

Albinism is a well-known condition that results in the complete absence of Melanin which causes the absence of color in the skin, hair, and eyes of the affected animal. Simply put they are extremely white with pink eyes and are subject to severe sunburn.

Leucism is only a partial loss of Pigmentation affecting the skin, hair, and feathers but it does not affect the pigment in the eyes, thus they have normally colored eyes. They are also at risk of severe burns from the sun.

Piebaldism is a partial subcategory of Leucism that only affects swatches of skin causing patterning of their normal hair color mixed with areas of white, but again they have normally colored eyes.

William adds the three genes are rare but can be found in a variety of animals and birds. For an animal to show discoloration, both parents must pass on the gene, if only one parent has it, the gene is passed on unnoticed.

William Straite
William Straite

Inability to Blend In

These deer may be faced with health issues depending on the extent of their genetics but many of them are capable of living a normal life span.

The inability to hide or blend in makes discolored deer easy and quick prey.

Deer With Genetic Anomilies

Often mistaken for albino deer, it's actually a genetic anomaly occurring in several species.

Gallery Credit: Tad Pole

A Pair of Bucks Fighting for Control of the Herd

Two bucks wage a battle for herd supremacy.

Gallery Credit: Tad Pole

Holy Buck! New York Hunter Bags Biggest Deer of His Career

A New York hunter bagged the biggest deer of his career. Tom Kaczmarek has dozens of archery record book bucks but in 2021 he brought down an 11 point buck every hunter has been watching. Check out the big one and all the others he's killed over the years.

Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams

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