Deansboro Fire Chief Works Nonstop And Deserves A Lot Of Recognition
Each and every Friday we recognize one first responder for their incredible contributions to Central New York, here is this week's choice.
In the days of a pandemic, where we have been told to social distance, First Responders are not able to do that. First Responders, regardless of the field, see an emergency, and instead of running away, they sprint toward it. Whether that be a car accident, a fire, or something equally as catastrophic.
Allover Central New York, we have so many First Responders who are worthy of so much recognition, this week, we honor Chris Steinmann. Chris is the Fire Chief for the Deansboro, New York Fire Department. But that isn't all he does. Alongside his work as fire chief, he also is a farmer, which is not an easy job by any stretch of the imagination. On top of that, he even is a snowplow driver.
With all of those roles, he was the perfect choice to be this week's First Responder Friday.
He’s a 3rd or 2nd generation firefighter! Chris is a very hard worker and needs to know it he’s worth nominating! - Nominator
Well, he now knows. Hard work and all the effort he has put in does pay off. Thank you Chris!
Do you know a first responder that deserves to be recognized? Tell us about someone who should be honored in Central New York - a firefighter, police officer, EMT, forest ranger, paramedic, DEC officers, military, rescuers, front line workers, or any other person first on the scene.
Include their name, a picture, and why they should be recognized during 'First Responder Friday." We'll honor one first responder every Friday and as a way to say thank you, we'll give them a Bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes.