Conservation Officers Rescue Two Fawns In Separate Incidents
From the death of the Utica Zoo's famed Peacock to the rescue of neglected horses, dogs, and ponies, it seems like all the animal stories circulating around Central New York have been sad. So how about a couple of stories with happy endings.
Officers with NY's Department of Environmental Conservation were able to rescue two fawns in separate incidents. Officers Craig Tompkins and Kevin Wamsley were able to capture a fawn whose mother had died after being hit by a car. Sad indeed, but thanks to the officers' rescue the young buck was taken to a wildlife rehabilitator where it will be raised until it's old enough to survive in the wild.
The second story is another involving social media posts leading to charges against residents in the town of Otselic. Officer Brett Armstrong investigated the case of people who found the fawn and brought it home. Not only is possessing wildlife illegal but in most cases, people don't have the skills to raise a wild animal and successfully return it to the wild. And rarely is a fawn actually abandoned in the wild.
If you encounter a young wild animal that is injured or orphaned, call an ECO, a wildlife rehabilitator, or a Regional DEC Wildlife Office.
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