A central New York woman claims her son is trapped on a mountain and her neighbor is to blame.

Rebecca Sherman owns 50 acres on Oak Mountain in Salisbury, New York, a piece of property she says she's owned since 1987 off Legion Road. "For 30 years we've had no problem," says Sherman. "This year a neighboring land owner has told us 200 feet of the road belongs to him."

August 28th Sherman says her son moved his trailer onto the property by removing a log blocking the road. "The next day 4 to 5 large truck loads of dirt were placed on the road. Now my son can't get out"

Photo Credit: Ginger Fuhr
Photo Credit: Ginger Fuhr

The only way Sherman says to get onto the property now is a 45 minute trek up the mountain. "But it's only through access from a neighbor and if they don't allow it, we can't do it."

Sherman says she's contacted town officials and state police and says she can't get any straight answers. "I don't like conflict, but I've now contacted a lawyer who has sent letters to the land owner. The land owner says he hasn't gotten them. I've tried to speak with him but there's no response. He doesn't seem to care."

Google Maps
Google Maps

Sherman says her son has been on the mountain alone for days with water and food running low. "My son's friend is willing to go in and get arrested if necessary."

Sherman took out her frustration on Facebook after her son was trapped for several hours. The video has been seen more than 60,000 times. "I don't understand the law but when you tell me it's not illegal for a person to barricade another person on a road, I don't understand it."


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