CNY Man Wants To Give Battle of Normandy Beach Sand to Family Survivor
Are you a family member of a soldier in the Battle of Normandy? A Central New York man has a gift for you.
David Jones of Richfield Springs works for a construction company. After finishing a job he was given the sand from Omaha Beach in France where the Battle of Normandy took place on June 6, 1944. Rather than keeping the special gift, Jones wants to give it to a rightful owner. "I am looking for someone who had lost a family member in this battle to give this sand to. It will mean much more to them."
There's no official word on how many were killed on Omaha Beach on D-Day. Reports vary from 2,000 and 4,700 being killed, wounded, or missing according to Wikipedia.
If you know anyone who has a family member that was involved in Battle of Normandy, private message David Jones on Facebook.