Another Central New York Restaurant Stops Airing NFL Games
Add another Central New York restaurant to the places you won't be watching NFL games. After Borio's restaurant owners announced they wouldn't air games because of the National Anthem controversy, Cooper's Landing followed suit.
A post on Cooper Landing's Facebook page vowed to stop airing football games but will continue showing all other sports.
So after this past weekend with the NFL Cooper's will be joining Borio's and NOT airing the NFL games enough is enough its time for these million dollar snowfakes to stop disrespecting the Men-Women-Dogs that signed a blank check for them to act like this Hopefully things will change WE will be airing Baseball-Hockey-Mud-Water & Snow sports with Specials United We Stand.
The post was taken down after backlash on social media. Bella Lynn Luce shared her opinion in the review section. "You can make the argument people die for the flag. The truth is, they don't die for the flag. They die for the people they have at home and protecting the man beside them. They die on the battle fields not because they agree with what you have to say, but for your right to say it. I certainly pledge allegiance to my flag and I love this beautiful country, but not the bigot racists who run it. So go ahead and have your boycott in protest of what you don't believe in. Those of us who believe in human equality will have ours too."
Borio's faced blowback on social media too and removed the sign outside their restaurant Tuesday.
Owner Marty Borio tells Syracuse.com he hasn't decided whether or not to show Sunday's NFL games on the restaurant's 3 TVs. "It depends on whether the players come out for the anthem."
While some supported Borio, many bashed the decision and some even vowed to boycott the restaurant.
Borio's and Cooper's Landing, both on Oneida Lake, aren't the only places that won't air NFL games. Restaurants and bars around the country are choosing to do the same.
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