Buy Beer For Your Dog- Good Boy Dog Beer
Before you get outraged, or upset, that we are saying buy beer for your dog, know that it's completely legal and healthy.
There is a new beer available for your dog. That's right, for dogs not humans.
Introducing Good Boy Dog Beer. Megan Long and her husband Steve started Good Boy Beer for all dogs. This beer is designed for dogs who have food allergies and are sensitive.
Hi, my name is Megan Long. My husband, Steve Long,and I started Good Boy Dog Beer out of love for our own puppies and all the animals out there. My husband says I am slightly obsessed and just want to adopt anything with fur…I’m not completely disagreeing. Our oldest rottweiler, Rocky, is very sensitive to foods and allergies so we started creating him his own treats and managing his diet better. It helped his allergy outbreaks significantly and we just seemed to progress from there eventually starting our own line of beer for dogs. You can view our map to find it in many local pubs and stores or we will be available for ordering online very soon."
The beer is actually designed to be good for your dog's digestive system. It's non-alcoholic. Currently it comes in three flavors, and isn't available in New York just yet.