Surprisingly Banned Baby Names in New York and United States
When it comes to picking a name for your baby, these ones are banned from the list. Do you agree?
You'd think that parents would have complete free reign when deciding the name for their child. Parents typically take pride in naming the newest member to their family. Who knew there was restricted section of the name book?
For me, my grandfather always wanted to have a Carl. And even though he was blessed with 6 children, he had all girls instead. But funny enough, that didn't stop him from naming one of them Carol! And so, my mother decided to bless her own child with one of the most meme-able names possible. (Thanks 'Llamas With Hats').
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Of course, there are those parents who should have been told "NO" when signing the dotted line. Like naming their child "Sam Sung", "Chris P. Bacon", or "Richard Long". Sure it's funny for everyone else, but that poor kid is now stuck with their parents dumb joke until adulthood.
Banned Baby Names in New York State
Immature parents aside, the New York State and federal government have put a ban on a long list of names for parents. And some of these might surprise you. Thank you to Bobby Welber of the Hudson Valley Post for compiling the names below...