Animal Adventure Park’s April the Giraffe vs Animal Activists II
Every good story seems to have a sequel. And so it goes with April the giraffe, the Animal Adventure Park near Binghamton and animal activist groups. This time it's PETA that's mad.
As in any good story these days, it begins on Facebook. The park posted "Love is in the air" showing, April and her significant other, Oliver, in an apparent amorous moment. It continues with mark your calendars, "April has been cleared for another pregnancy and has our blessing to allow nature to take its course."
Once PETA got wind of the story they fired back with a statement of their own, even throwing some shade at Upstate New York.
Fragile, sensitive giraffes don’t belong in captivity—or in freezing upstate New York.
Their release also criticizes Animal Adventure Park for the previous publicity surrounding April's birth of Tajiri, "wrung every dollar and video hit that it could out of this giraffe’s pregnancy, and now it can’t wait to do so again."
The new saga has even gotten national attention from USA Today. Who you got in this battle? April or Peta.