A Musical Parody of The Office is Coming to Syracuse
Did you ever think you'd see Dwight Schrute singing about bears, beets and Battlestar Galactica? Or maybe Jim and Pam jamming out to a power ballad duet?
Wonder no longer. The Office! A Musical Parody is coming to Syracuse and if anyone wants to camp out with me, I'll be first in line.
The "unauthorized parody" is currently Off-Broadway in New York City, but will be at the Mulroy Civic Center Theaters on October 3, performing a mash-up of fans' favorite scenes from all nine seasons.
In case you need to know any more, here are three song titles that'll give you a hint as to how the show will go: "That's What She Said," "Marry Me Beesly," and "We Have Fun Here." There's even a trailer online and the cast looks phenomenal!
Tickets start at just $35 via their website, so count me in and I'll see you in Scranton..... I mean, Syracuse.
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