Those of us who celebrate Easter have certain traditions.  In the U.S., we color Easter eggs, get Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny, attend church services and perhaps cook up a baked ham.  I thought you might find it interesting how other countries in the world observe Easter.

"* Russia -- People tap each other with pussy willow branches for good luck.

* Germany -- Villagers make a bonfire out of their old Christmas trees to burn the last vestiges of winter and make way for spring.

* England -- Young men carry around a chair decorated with flowers. When a girl or a woman sits in the chair, they lift her up three times for good luck. She thanks them with money and a kiss.

* Australia -- Families play a game in which everyone takes an egg and then pair off and tap each other's egg. The first egg to crack loses and the winner goes on to challenge other winners until there is only one egg left.

* Norway -- Even though Easter heralds the beginning of spring, many Norwegians go skiing.

* Sweden -- Swedes celebrate by shooting off fireworks.

* Argentina-- Women in ruffled skirts, colorful ponchos and white hats cover their faces with white powder and sing songs as they ride on horseback to the Easter carnival. At the end of the festivities, a rag doll is buried to mark the conclusion of the holiday.

* Bulgaria -- The oldest woman in the family touches the faces of the children with the first Easter egg that has been colored red, for good luck.

* Poland -- People celebrate by splashing water on each other. On Easter Monday boys lie in wait to sprinkle girls with water or perfume. It is said that girls who get soaked will marry within the year."

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