You shelled out the cash for a beautiful boquet of flowers, how do you make them last as long as possible? The Master Gardeners at Cornell Cooperative Extension have 5 tips to keep the blooms fresh.

  • The most important factor in taking care of your flowers is the water. Be sure the cut end of the stem remains in water and change the water completely every 2-3 days.
  • Cut at least a half inch off the stem of the flowers initially and again every time you change the water. Use a sharp scissors as a dull one will smash rather than cut the end.
  • Keep your flowers in a cool location out of bright light. Warm temperatures and bright light will cut short the life of the flower blooms.
  • Avoid placing your flowers in an area where fruits and vegetables are also stored. Ripening fruit and vegetables give off a gas called ethylene. While this gas is harmless to humans, it causes flowers to drop their petals.
  • If your flowers come with a packet of “flower food”, be sure to use it. In addition to “feeding” your flowers, these packets typically contain a bactericide that helps keep the water fresh.

For more information and suggestions for what plants to use contact Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County’s Horticulture Hot Line at 736-3394, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00am to 12:00pm.


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