Yard Sale Do’s And Don’ts 5 Best And Worst Items To Buy
It's about that time of year when we clean out the garage, basement and attic to see if our trash can become another man's treasure. Here's some tips on what you should be looking for and those items you should avoid altogether.
If you love to hit the sales, or even host them, you can learn more about The World's Largest Yard Sale on June 17 at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds where you'll be able to find all of the things on our list.
Here are some of the best things to find at yard sales:
1. Books
Weather it's just some cheesy romance novel for the summer or you're looking for a specific book to complete your collection, you can find reading gold at yard sales. You might even score that special first edition you've been searching for.
2. Movies
DVD's and Blu-Ray discs are going the way of the 8-track nowadays, but if you still like having hard copies of your favorites, most yard sales have great deals on movies.
3. Jewelry
Obviously you're not looking for earrings or anything that has been inside someone else's body, but yard sales can be great for costume jewelry, necklaces, bracelets or even men's cuf links.
4. Furniture
Now you're not going to furnish your home with this stuff, but you might find cool end tables, stands, lamps or little shelves that could spruce up your pad.
5. Tools
Most tools are built to last a lifetime so you can find a good wrence or scrwdriver set or maybe someone is selling an old table saw. If your kids are getting interested in using tools, this is a great place to get a cheap starter set.
Now for the other side of the coin. There are some things you're going to want to avoid at yard sales, like these:
1. Stuffed Animals
Old musty stuffed animals can carry mold, germs and even fleas! These are best bought new.
2. Hats
Even if it looks new or 'gently used' do you really want to wear a hat that's been on someone else's head? Pass on these.
3. Shoes
See hats, but think about someone else's feet being in there first.
4. Makeup
Again, you don't want someone else's DNA on your body.
5. Bedding
This follows the theme of the above items. Bedding can hold mites, germs and mold if it hasn't been properly cleaned. But this stuff new even if your kid really wants those Disney character sheets.
Happy Yard Sale Season!
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