Would You Run Down Varick St For A Good Cause…And A Beer?
Chances are you've walked up and down Varick street in Utica at least once this year, so why not run it(sort of) for a good cause?
It's the United Way's .5k run. That's right 'point-5-k' means not your average charity run. It's literally only 500-ish yards and you get a free beer at the end and a sticker that says you ran half a K!
I gotta be honest, that might be the only way to get me to run....anywhere.
It's all going down on Saturday, October 13, with registration at 9 a.m. and the run beginning at 10 a.m.
You'll run from the Saranac Brewery parking lot(where the Boilermaker post-race party is held every year) around the corner to the Celtic Harp courtyard.
The cost to join the fun is $20 and that gets you entertainment, a commemorative .5K Run sticker, free admission into The Celtic Harp After Party and one free Saranac beverage.
100% of proceeds will go to the United Way of the Valley and Greater Utica.
You can register online at UnitedwayGU.com until October 12, after that you'll have to register the day of the run.
The best part of the event might just be the way the United Way bills the run:
How many times have you run down Varick Street for a not-so-worthy cause? Well, now run down it for a great one! United Way .5K! Not your average run. Not your average cause.
Beginning at the REAL Boilermaker finish line, you know, the back parking lot of the Saranac Brewery, this course goes ALL THE WAY around the corner to the Celtic Harp courtyard, for a whopping total of 500-something yards!
We know that’s asking a lot of some, but don’t worry! There’s a coffee & donut stop somewhere near the middle. It would be wise to rest there for a minute.
Once you finish licking powder from your fingers and wiping them on your bib, take on the last grueling minute of the race, stumble across the finish line and help yourself to a free adult B-vitamin complex known as beer.
Then get your barely-deserved, but deservedly cool, oval sticker letting everyone know that on a scale from 1K – 15K, you’re a .5K! At least as a runner.
As a citizen, you’re a gold star! All proceeds will help 1 in 4 people in this community who really need it!
So register now to take part in the second-best-Utica-bestest-shortest race EVER!
How hilarious is that?
Now this is a run I can get behind, especially to show off that '.5k' sticker on my car!