Whitesboro Woman Served Crab Legs with Leeches at New Hartford Restaurant
Finding a hair in your meal is not unusual. But the heck is that? Nicol Vasco discovered the black circles on her crab legs while dining out.
"I don't even know what to call this utterly disgusting thing," says Vasco.
Crab leeches are what those 'disgusting things are' and 'although unattractive to the eye they pose no known public health risks and do not affect the health, quality, or taste of the crab meat,' according to the Division of Marine Fisheries.
The leeches may not cause a health risk or affect the taste but Vasco says she refused to eat it, even after the manager brought out a new plate. "I lost my appetite."
Vasco was given a gift card and had the meal taken off her bill. Corporate even sent her another gift card to apologize.
The apology and gift cards are nice but I'd lose my appetite too. How does a cook miss that?
"I guess this just proves why you never order seafood at a steakhouse," says Vasco.